With so many home loan products available, it’s important to know if you’re receiving the ideal loan for your situation.
For example, do you need a variable rate, fixed rate or split-interest rate home loan? That question alone can be overwhelming for people looking to buy a property.
At Mortgage IQ, we not only educate our clients on home loans, but we also take the time to understand your future finance goals and guide you through the entire home loan process.
Our team are by your side to answer all your questions, narrow down your loan options and find a suitable loan for your situation.
So, what information do you need to provide?
Most lenders will require you to be in your current job role for at least 6 to 12 months. If you’re self-employed or run a business, they may want to see your individual and business finances for the past couple of years.
They will also require:
Proof of regular savings history;
Proof of salary or wages – pay slips, tax returns, a letter that states your salary;
If you’re self-employed you will need to provide your Individual tax return, ATO Notice of Assessment and BAS (Business activity statements);
Proof of Identification – driver’s licence, birth certificate, passport or other forms of identification; and
Proof of any other income such as shares or rental property.
Lenders may also ask for other documents, including insurance documents, Centrelink statements, bank account statements and more.
Applying for a home loan on your own isn’t easy, so why not let a Mortgage IQ broker help you!
Contact us
At Mortgage IQ, we make the loan application process easier! If you’re looking to purchase property, contact us now to speak about your loan options.